Start The Journey of Community Development
Akhirnya Pak Mub membalas emailku... email yang isinya nanya gimana caranya untuk ikut terlibat dalam proyek streetvendor itu dibalas oleh beliau juga... kemudian sesuai dengan petunjuk yang aku dapatkan, aku pun mulai searching tentang Community Development (CD) karena Pak Mub mau ngajak aku nulis2 tentang CD... khususnya tentang CD dalam streetvendor... Dan inilah beberapa hasil searching yang aku dapatkan... hehe... ^^
Community Development Program adalah suatu program/proyek yang bertujuan untuk mempercepat penanggulangan kemiskinan berdasarkan pengembangan kemandirian masyarakat melalui peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat, partisipasi masyarakat dan kelembagaan dalam penyelenggaraan pembangunan.
top down intervetion vs bottom up intervention...
menurut PBB:
"as the process by which the efforts of the people themselves are united with those of governmental authorities to improve the economic, social and cultural conditions of communities, to integrate these communities into the life of the nations, and to enable them to contribute fully to national progress" (Luz. A. Einsiedal 1968:7)
menurut US International Cooperation Administration:
"a process of social action in which the people af a community organized themselves for planning action; define their common and individual needs and problems; made group and individual plans with a maximum of reliance upon community resources; and supplement the resources when necessary with service and material from government."
(The Community Development Guidelines of the International Cooperation Administration, Community Development Review, December 1996, p3)
menurut Arthur Dunham:
"organized efforts to improve the conditions of community life and the capacity for community integration and self-direction. Community development seeks to work primarily through the environtment and organization of self-help and cooperative efforts on the part of the residents of the community, but usually with technical assistance from government or voluntary organization." (Arthur Dunham 1958:3)
Community development vs Community organization:
community development is concerned with economic life, roads, buldings, and education, as well as health and welfare, in the narrower sense. On the other hand, community welfare organization is concerned with adjustment of social welfare needs and resources in cities, states, and nations as in rural villages.
Community development lebih berkonotasi dengan pembangunan masyarakat desa sedangkan community organization identik dengan pembangunan masyarakat kota.
4 unsur Pengembangan Masyarakat:
- A plan program with a focus on the total needs of the village community;
- Technical assistance;
- Integrating various specialities for the help of the community; and
- A mayor emphasis upon self-help and participation by the residents of the community
- CD merupakan suatu proses pembangunan yang berkesinambungan --> kegiatan itu dilaksanakan secra terorganisir dan dilaksanakan tahap demi tahap dimulai dari tahap permulaan sampai pada tahap kegiatan tindak lanjut dan evaluasi --> follow up activity and evaluation
- CD bertujuan memperbaiki--to improve--kondisi ekonomi, sosial, dan kebudayaan masyarakat untuk mencapai kualitas hidup yang lebih baik.
- CD memfokuskan kegiatannya melalui pemberdayaan potensi2 yang dimiliki masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan2 mereka, sehingga prinsip to help the community to help themselves dapat menjadi kenyataan.
- CD memberikan penekanan pada prinsip kemandirian--> partisipasi aktif dalam bentuk aksi bersama--group action--di dalam memecahkan masalah dan memenuhi kebutuhan2nya dilakukan berdasarkan potensi2 yang dimiliki masyarakat.
... real needs, felt needs, expected needs...
Sumber: Dicky Rahardiantoro (an Effort to Humanize Human)